Thursday, March 12, 2009

And the countdown continues...

15 seems like it's months away. A few months before getting married, Chad and I had talked about and decided to continue doing the long distance thing for a few months after we were married. It wasn't until a couple of weeks before the wedding day that we both decided that we didn't want to wait that long to actually start our lives "together". Thinking back on it, I don't know what the heck I was is killing me to be away from him for a would I have survived a few MONTHS??? So as I continue the countdown and look forward to the day I get to go *home*, I continue to face the agony of being away from him...

15 seemed to be the lucky (or not so lucky) number today. That is the number of people that got laid off at work today. It was so sad to see or hear about these people who lost their jobs...I will keep them and their families, as well as all of the others who are affected by this recession in my prayers, and I ask that everyone reading this please do the same.

On a lighter note, I went and visited my brother, Molly and my nephew after work today. Something about seeing my nephew and niece's faces puts a huge smile on my face. I can't wait to give them a little cousin to play with... :o) Kids are such a huge blessing, and although God has blessed me so much in my life, the one thing still missing is the final puzzle piece to complete Chad and least one is all I pray for. One matter what, I still have 2 wonderful step-kids that I have grown so attached to and gotten to love so much and I couldn't be more grateful for that.

Well, it's getting late, and although I suffer from insomina, I am going to try to at least rest my eyes for a while. I have a long day tomorrow. Work, my sister-in-law's birthday BBQ, Lexi's birthday and then finally I get to go home to my husband for the weekend. I can't wait...


♥ H ♥ said...

Oh my gosh!!! I didn't know they were laying people of at work :(
Have fun a Veronica's birthday and enjoy your weekend MRS. CARROLL!! ;)

♥ H ♥ said...

haha MOLLY'S BIRTHDAY! I can't read...prob NOT a good thing since I'll be a teacher eh?!