Wednesday, January 27, 2010

More Milk Please

Good morning! It's a beautiful day out today...I think I may take Ms. Natalie out for a walk. She is 7 weeks old today! I can't believe how fast the time is flying! It doesn't seem like it has been that long. Seven weeks...the best seven weeks of my life so far. I can't imagine not having her here. It's amazing how much being a mother changes you. I am no longer thinking about what is best for Chad and I, it's what's best for Natalie. We have been stressing out a little the past milk supply began to dry up a bit, and we don't want to have to give her any formula just yet. My plan is to give her only breast milk for at least a year. At least that is what we want to do....not sure how that is all going to work out. Chad has been stressing out about it a lot, which is weird since he is a guy, and I didn't think they cared lol. In turn, he stresses me out even more. I know that he doesn't do it intentionally, and I should be thankful that he cares so much and is so involved instead of getting stressed out and upset about it. He went to talk to a lactation specialist yesterday to see if there was anything he could do to help. They told him it would help to take this herbal pill 4 times a day. It's called "More Milk Plus". I started taking it today and they said it should take about 3 days to increase my milk supply. I hope it works. It is so depressing as a mom that is so gung ho (is that how you spell that?) about breastfeeding to not be able to produce enough to feed your child. I feel like I am failing as a mother. I happens a lot. Some women just don't produce enough milk. BUT my problem is that I got sick and took Benadryl. I dried up my milk supply. I could have prevented it. It's MY fault. So, God, if you could please, forgive my ignorance in not looking up information about medicine before taking it just this one time, and give me some more milk. Please? Natalie is becoming a little fatty and she is growing quick...she needs more milk. I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

Here's proof that she's getting big!